
Om Your Own Way is an inclusive community providing accessible, trauma-sensitive online yoga and meditation classes for creative professionals, who want to reduce burn-out, to invite more peace and ease in their lives, but may be unsure where to start.

I’m here to make yoga, meditation, and mindfulness accessible for everybody. Together, we’ll dive deeper, beyond the asanas (postures/physical practice of yoga). I offer resources on the philosophy and spirituality of yoga, in order to support our community in finding their own way to the yoga practice.

Om Your Own Way is founded on the belief that everyone has their own unique way to discover peace of mind, body, and spirit.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach.

We believe that yoga and meditation have the power to transform, empower, and guide us toward finding clarity, purpose, and peace in our lives.

We believe yoga and meditation should feel approachable and accessible for all beings and bodies.

We seek to remove barriers to beginning a yoga practice.

This community is especially for you if you’ve ever had any of the following limiting beliefs about practicing yoga:

I can’t do yoga, I’m not coordinated enough...

I can’t meditate, I’m too busy…

I’m not flexible enough…

I’m too anxious

I don’t know where to start.

Om Your Own Way exists because of you and for you:

For those who dare to carve their own path.

For those with a desire to live a more heart-centered, free, and authentic life.

For the change-seekers, dreamers, adventurers, and doers.

Om Your Own Way is here to serve every woman, every BODY, and every busy lifestyle, through simple daily practices to help you to heal from burnout and rust out, re-engage creativity, and live your most inspired, empowered life.

We create space to support your overall well-being through yoga and meditation. We provide avenues for slowing down, amidst the chaos of modern living, and offer resources to help you prioritize and make time for your own well-being, healing, and innate creativity.

Yoga means union. Yoga means comm-unity.

Here’s to the start of what we will build together.

Click HERE to join online classes.

Vision & Values

Om Your Own Way believes in empathy and compassion for all beings, above all else.

We seek to serve a greater community and offer resources for living healthier, more balanced lives.

We aim to help lead others to work towards their own healing through the practices of yoga and meditation.

We believe that peace of mind comes ‘piece by piece’, and is an ongoing journey.

We acknowledge that wellness is not one size fits all; wellness looks different for everybody, and we celebrate that.

We have an insatiable hunger for learning and growth; we are committed to continuing to better ourselves as we move through this journey, helping others along the way.

About me: 

Hi, I’m Alyssabeth. I’m a writer, educator, travel-lover, and newly a full-time ‘RVer’ ;). I’m a trauma-informed Yoga Instructor, RYT-500, certified Warriors At Ease Teacher, and iRest Level 1 meditation instructor. I also hold an MFA in Creative Writing from San Diego State University.

My Yoga Story:

It’s not all sunshine and picture-perfect asanas, green smoothies, and designer leggings…

Yoga is a journey. A journey of turning inward. Here’s a little background of what led me here:

From a young age, I struggled with anxiety, asthma, and body image. When I was around 12, a family friend opened the first yoga studio in our small city, and I began attending restorative yoga classes once a week, as a way to find some stillness to help navigate the high amount of stress I was experiencing at such a young age.

During my visits to this studio, I discovered the power of meditation through Ujjayi Pranayama (victorious breath/ocean breathing), a practice I carried with me into early adulthood.

In college, I began to deepen my practice of yoga, and also further my studies in writing, literature, and spirituality.

It was then that yoga practice and my lifelong love of writing joined paths.

I became interested in Buddhist Philosophy, in conjunction with Yoga philosophy, and exploring the transformative qualities of writing and the relationship between writing and meditation.

I wanted to find a way to heal and focus on living a more heart-centered life and helping others do the same.

After years of teaching writing, among other career pivots, I founded Om Your Own Way to create a space for professional women, who want to alleviate stress and invite more peace, ease, and joy in their lives through the practice of yoga and meditation.

This community will continue to grow our offerings to make yoga, meditation, and wellness accessible for everybody, and share tips for living mindfully with authenticity, humor & joy. 🙂

I’m here to support you on your journey toward living your most inspired, peaceful, joyful life.

Click HERE to join online classes.








Yoga Teacher Training